How do I add a link from a library book or article into Microsoft Word?

I was wondering if I could have some direction in terms of putting in a live link into word from Academic Search Complete. Every time I do it my professor is unable to access the link for some reason. The process that I have done is accessing the permalink from the academic search complete for the article that I chose. Then I import that url as a hyper link into word. 
If you could direct me to the correct method I would appreciate it. 


  1. Find the article you want to embed in one of our databases.
    1. You will need to find the permalink to that article.  It is a little different in each database – In some databases it is called a Permalink, in others it just says Link, and some hide it under All Options.  The easiest way to find it is to look for the link graphic:  
  2. Copy the link information.
  3. In Microsoft Word highlight the text where you would like to insert the link.
    1. Use the Insert menu or right-click to bring up the Insert Hyperlink box.

Insert Hyperlink Menu

The most important part of the process is to make sure that you've grabbed the correct link from the database.  In most cases, the link from the address bar of your browser will not work correctly.

  • Last Updated Apr 09, 2020
  • Views 172
  • Answered By Leslie Inglis

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